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We have been buying our groceries from various super markets and for some reason whenever we want to buy products like millets, brown rice or any other organic products we do not get all of them in one super market. We were going round various shops and buy the suitable products from different vendors. For us, healthy foods india portal was a boon as it is just concentrating on healthy products and without any confusion we are able to choose and buy

Joshi family Hyderabad

Myself and my husband work in the Information technology industry and most of the time we do not have time to cook at home and at the same time we are not very keen to eat outside daily. We were looking for Ready to Eat healthy eating options and in that process got connected with Healthy Foods India. Not just the products we can also look for some good health conscious recipes too. Great portal for health lovers

Asha Technology consultant in IT

We have been looking for healthy food cooking options and it has always been a challenge to find healthy ingredients of different vendors at one place. We absolutely like the concept of healthyfoodsindia.com which is a consolidator of healthy products from different vendors at one place

Lavanya Home Maker
